What is a "POP UP" ??

  • I've referenced the term, "Pop Up" many times as I have hosted a few, At The Cottage Cape Cod. I thought because it has been a popular concept for more than 5 years, I assumed that most people knew what it was. Clearly people do not. 


       More and more messages and even customers stopping by at random times thinking I have a shop that is open all the time. So, for you who know, I hope you keep following along and come see me wherever my next Pop Up is. For the rest, Here's what the term, Pop Up means.


         A Pop Up shop is a trend where a brand, small business, maker, artist, etc opens up a sales space, short term. The idea is temporary. A day, days, week or even a season like Christmas.

         So, in my case, I have rented a small room attached to another business that I call, At The Cottage Cape Cod. It's a room that changes theme, floor design and merchandise sold at each Pop Up. I host a two day event, break it all down and pick another date(s) to do it again. This short term, "shop" creates an urgency for customers to come, as it will be gone.


        As a creative person and someone who has owned retail shops in the past, I find the concept of a pop up exciting and allows me to create a different theme each time. I love the process. From picking the new design for the stenciled floor, naming the event and then making and purchasing all the goods to sell. 


         It's a 80 billion dollar a year industry in the U.S. and a formula that works. It's similar to doing a multi vendor event like a craft fair but more like a mini store. I have done them at local stores, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and hope to do more, off cape this winter, at my At The Cottage space and other shops.


        I hope that helps with the term, Pop UP, and if you have a small business you reach out to do a Pop Up locally in your town. Its a lot of work but also a lot of fun !!