I am bringing thrifted finds to my online shop.
I have been a thrifter for as long as I can remember. Fast fashion was never a fun way to shop for me. I guess it started before I got married. We had NO money. I mean, no money. I wanted our first apartment to look cute and stated to hit the local thrift shops in 1990. The selection was not like it is today, but I was able to thrift the kitchen, get hand me down furniture from family that I fixed and painted and purchased clothing. Then I started selling, consigning items so that I was never really paying for anything. I was buying and selling after a small investment and then reinvesting the money I made.
Fast forward to 2011 when I opened my first shop in Chatham that included handmade, thrifted finds and upcycled furniture. It turned into a bigger business, and what I really loved was the "Art of The Find". I kept doing it, shows, custom work and still do.
Now, although I can afford to buy new, I don't. I love the look of a decor that has been collected over time. Things have a story; a history and I love that. My entire closet, or maybe 90% of it has been thrifted.
I am now going to offer well priced thrifted items in my shop! Those little accessories, holiday decor, everyday items that won't break the bank and will add those special touches you can't buy on Amazon. Hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am to finds the best things for you. The first launch will be Saturday, August 19th at 10:00am ET.