Pumpkin Season


September is the official kick off to pumpkin season, right?

Well, Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts says it is, so it must be...

       September is always a time for change. Change of season, change of schedules and change in mood. September, Labor Day, here on Cape Cod signals the end of the high season and the transition into off season. We still have plenty of tourism, but it shifts from Saturday to Saturday to Friday through Sunday. Weekdays are school days, new fall store hours, beach days without stickers required and open parking spaces on Main Street.


     I love all the seasons. I don't wish away the tourists, crazy traffic, hot days or long restaurant lines. I just know everything here has it season. Although I don't have kids in school anymore, I still feel the school calendar shift. This will be the first year, in 7 years that I will not be moving one of my kids into a college dorm, college apartment or city apartment. It's always a bit stressful, but I will miss it. The packing, furniture pivoting and filling the fridge is always an adventure. 


     The next three months on Cape Cod are the best, only because they are upon us. Then the winter months will be the best, then spring, then back to summer. Enjoy all the seasons in life that you are in. Don't wish them away.


      It's okay, go grab a pumpkin spice latte, hold that cup with two hands and sip in the next season.  Happy Setpember !!