Finding Joy During The Holidays

The holiday season is upon us.
The season of joy... and a season of busy. We all get wrapped up in shopping, wrapping, parties, school obligations and can loose site of the spirit of the season.
When both my sons headed off to college, I knew spending time together as a family for the holiday was becoming more challenging. The breaks were filled with trying to squeeze in months of being away from home into a long weekend for Thanksgiving and then a few weeks over Christmas.
So, about 5 years ago, I pitched the idea of a family vacation for Christmas. I mean actually somewhere else on Christmas eve and day.  I just thoght the days of "santa" were long over. They were grown men now. They didn't need "stuff". I didn't need stuff.
It took all about a minute and both said, "I'm in". Okay, so where should we go? The first year we went to the Bahamas.. We were snorkeling on Christmas day!! BEST CHRISTMAS! And then every year after we all looked forward to these trips. Last year, covid year, we didn't travel and I really missed it. This year the plan was to go to London, but with an uncertain Covid restrictions and testing, London was out. London Will be next year. This year we are headed to Chicago. I haven't been and I'm really looking forward to  spending 5 days as a family.
Find JOY during the holiday season. Traditions, small or big the things you will cherish. Make Memories this holiday season.